Monday, May 31, 2010

USB Port Supported AVR Microcontroller Programmer

USB - AVR Programmer - Click Image to Close

New USB Port Supported AVR Microcontroller Programmer
Now you can program AVR chip through Laptop also. Works on both Windows and Linux OS
A complete solution for programming popular AVR series of micro controllers Like Atmega 8,8L,16,16L,32,32L etc and many more . Works under multiple Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.Now a days many new computers and almost all laptops doesn't have a serial or parallel port, this USB port based Programmer solves the problem moreover it is faster than those serial or parallel port programmers.
This is latest USB port based AVR Microcontroller Programmer - Now you can program AVR chip through Laptop also. Works on both Windows and Linux OS ,easily Interface with popular programming softwares like AVRDUDE
Instruction Manual and utility CD Include
Add-on Recommended
* 10 Pin FRC Cable - 12" (1 Feet) Click Here
Connector Pin Description
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